- Product Placement Rules

Product Placement Rules

1. Product Placement

1.1. It is forbidden to change the information and images of a product or service on the site with information and images belonging to another product or service.
1.2. When placing a product, you must ensure that the product fully complies with the site's rules. Even after the product is published, if a violation of the rules is detected during a re-examination by the administration, the administration reserves the right to edit and remove those products from the site.
1.3. If two or more duplicate products are found on the site at the same time, the duplicate products will be deleted.

2. Personal contact information

2.1. Personal contact methods must be correctly noted: name, email address, phone number.
2.2. You must use an active email address when placing a product. A user (as a legal or physical person) can have only one user account. If several accounts belonging to a user are detected based on technical analysis, they will be considered as duplicates and automatically cancelled or blocked.
2.3. It is forbidden to lease/borrow or impersonate user accounts (information required to access a user account).
2.4. Definitely show a working and your own phone number – this will increase your chance of conducting fast and successful operations.
2.5. The phone number must be noted in the appropriate line. It is forbidden to note the phone number in the title or content of the product.
2.6. Keep in mind that noting another person's number for the purpose of not causing inconvenience to other people is forbidden and will result in your user account being blocked without the right of restoration. If the phone number in the product is noted incorrectly, the product will be removed from the site. The user carries responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, compliance of the posted product with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and for the posted information not violating the rights of third parties and being free from their claims.

3. Editing Products

3.1. To edit a product, select the "EDIT" button and publish after making the new edits.
3.2. Edited products are re-checked. If not compliant with the rules, they are deleted.

4. Duplicate products

4.1. The following cases are considered duplicates:
4.1.1. Completely identical content or semantically similar products;
4.1.2. Restored products that are completely identical or semantically similar to an active product;
4.1.3. Separate placements of products or services that are part of a common active product.

5. Placement of duplicate products

5.1. Placing duplicate products does not accelerate sales; on the contrary, it complicates sales for sellers, and buyers must spend a lot of time to find a suitable offer among repeated products.
5.2. If you have sold the product, or if your offer is no longer valid, remove (delete) your product from the product list immediately after the sale or as soon as the offer loses its validity.
5.3. If you already have products that have been published or are in the checking stage, you must not allow the duplication of this product!

6. Users with two or more user accounts

6.1. When technical analyses identify user accounts belonging to a user, these accounts are considered as duplicates by the system and are automatically blocked or deleted;
6.2. It is forbidden for users to lease/borrow or impersonate user accounts (information required to access a user account).
6.3. The site management reserves the right to make changes.

7. Products placed in the wrong category

7.1. It is forbidden to place the product in a category that does not match the type, purpose, features, objective, or the name in the product's title, or to place other information in the content that can cause confusion among the site's users.
7.2. Place correct information related to the product. All information in the product must reflect the truth. Choose the most suitable category, type, appearance for your product content – this increases its chances of being found by both potential customers and search engines.
7.3. Placing the product in the wrong category or section can lead to its deletion or transfer to a more appropriate category or section.

8. Title

8.1. The product's title should be short, appropriate, and relevant to the presented products and services. The title is the first thing that catches the potential customer's attention. Try to make it accurate and brief. It is not allowed in the title:
8.2. Writing the title entirely in capital letters, writing a contact number, email in the title, or using symbols (*^@<> etc.). These products will not appear in search results;

9. Amount; Exchange; Free

9.1. It is not mandatory to write an amount for the product, you can select from the type box (Agreement, Free, Barter). In this case, the field intended for the amount should be left blank.

10. Product description (characteristics)

10.1. Potential customers always search for a specific product through keywords. Therefore, it is very important to show only one product (item, object) related to it in one placement, along with its price and pictures.
10.2. It is not allowed to mention several products belonging to different categories and sections in the description part. For example, placing a phone and a TV, clothing and furniture, a computer and a camera, a bicycle and a dog, etc., in one product at the same time is not allowed.
10.3. The description must fully correspond to the title and the offered product/service. Only one product, item, or service description is allowed in a product. The first 2-3 lines of the text should be the most attractive part of your product because the first thing that catches the eye is the title and the first sentences of the product text. Write grammatically correct and carefully, do not make writing errors, and clearly express your thoughts.
10.4. All details, features, and characteristics of the product must be shown in the description. Do not replace the description with just a link for the customer to get more acquainted with the product. Not all users have the time and interest to enter an unknown link to read more about the product. Link placement is only allowed to provide more detailed information about the product or service description. Additionally, links to competitor services are also forbidden.
10.5. Showing inaccurate or wrong information, as well as hiding defects of products, can lead to the deletion of the product.
10.6. Placing products with content and meaning that are repeated is forbidden.
10.7. Keep in mind: It is forbidden to show phone numbers, email addresses, Skype, Instagram, Facebook, and other social network account links in the description. There are specific lines for the phone number and email address.

11. Picture

11.1. Definitely add a picture to your product (up to 8 pictures per title are allowed). Unlike analogous products with inconspicuous pictures, seeing the quality, accurate, and real picture of the product will make the customer more interested in your offer.
11.2. Pictures must be of high quality.
11.3. There should be no other logos in the pictures.
11.4. There should be no advertising-related information in the pictures. Also, showing any communication means (mobile number, website link, Skype, ICQ, social network IDs, other messenger IDs, and similar network IDs, as well as competitor service logos) is forbidden.
11.5. The picture describing the product/service should be relevant to the title and the product text. The picture should only display the offered object.
11.6. It is not allowed to add a low-quality picture where the described object is not clearly visible. Also, placing pictures with erotic and pornographic content is forbidden.
11.7. All ready photos taken from stock, showing shop window backgrounds, taken from the internet or scanned from catalogs, in short, photos that have no connection with the real product being sold will be seriously investigated and may not be published. For some categories and sections, having real pictures is mandatory:
§ Transportation
§ Real Estate
§ Animals
§ Personal Items
11.8. For other categories, the picture is not important, but if the system cannot find a picture suitable for your product, your product may not be published.
11.9. Please, place pictures that you have personally taken for your product to successfully pass moderation. All pictures that do not meet the above rule will be deleted.

12. Reason for ban or Account deletion

12.1. When users disrespect the management team or moderators, their profile will be blocked, and they will not be able to place products on the site.
12.2. When the user violates the site's rules for the first time, they are temporarily blocked as a warning, if this happens repeatedly, they will be permanently removed from the site.
12.3. When the contact means of third parties are mentioned and those parties file a complaint, the user is blocked on the site or (deleted).

13. Technical support service

13.1. The technical support service phones work from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 19:00, and on Saturday from 09:00 to 13:00.
13.2. When contacting technical support, you must specify the user name, email address, and contact number.

14. Prohibited products and services

14.1. It is not allowed to place products and services that contain prohibited products and services. At the same time, using erotic, pornographic, indecent, extremist, or other content and concepts that do not meet the site's requirements in the product (title, text, video) or user name is prohibited.
14.2. Provide the product only specifically about concrete products and services – general advertising character or products not presenting a specific offer are prohibited. Also, selling products through auctions and advertising auctions is forbidden.
14.3. Advertising-related information, including the following types of promotional ads, is prohibited;
14.4. Placing products about dubious income earning methods, including internet-based methods, is prohibited.
14.5. Unauthorized use and use without rights of well-known brand logos and trademarks in the product or user name is prohibited.